Operastudion Kapellsberg

Opera – Role Preparation Program for Professional Singer

Roll study and rehearsal repertoire. This is the plan for 2023/2024. The plan for 2024/2025 is largely the same. Names of teachers and coaches will be updated.

Teachers and coaches 2023/2024

Anna Larsson
Richard Hetherington
Fredrik Burstedt
Tobias Ringborg
Stefan Johansson
Charlotte Hellekant
Märit Bergvall
Karin Bengtsdotter Olsson
Anna Hanning Häggström
Pia Giger

Content and goals

• Choosing a role and rehearsal singing repertoire – Anna Larsson, Karin Bengtsdotter Olsson, Anna Hanning, Pia Giger
In the application, you state two – three suggestions for roles to study. The roles must be in the original languages ​​German, French, English, Swedish or Italian. Parameters to consider when choosing a role: It should be possible to sing (vocally) within a few years and not be too far in time. It is good if it is a repertoire opera, ie an opera that is often staged at Europe’s opera houses. During the first meeting of the course, you get to present some parts of the roles and we discuss what you should invest this year’s work in. At the end of the course, you should know a role in its entirety, you should have done careful linguistic and musical work and tried to work with different directors on parts of the role. If you have a shorter role, it may be possible to study another role. In parallel with role study, you work with rehearsal singing repertoire and audition technique.

• Singing with conductor – Fredrik Burstedt and Tobias Ringborg
To follow and lead a conductor and to read dynamic and phrasing-like suggestions in the moment.

• The role and opera in a historical perspective, singing technique then and now – Stefan Johansson
Stefan Johansson talks about the role you study, plays historical examples and talks about old singers’ technique, subtitles and how opera singing has changed over time.

• The director – Charlotte Hellekant and Märit Bergvall
The director challenges you in your role study. You should both be able to adapt and at the same time find your own place to stand for the end result.

• Coaching and study at an international level – Richard Hetherington
Here you get to feel working with an opera coach who has long experience of the greatest conductors and singers we have today but also with young singers and Covent Gardens opera studio.

• Singing technique – Anna Larsson, Karin Bengtsdotter Olsson, Anna Hanning
Individual lessons and masterclass.

• Time with répétiteur – Pia Giger

• Concerts
The autumn term ends with a concert in Härnösand. The spring semester ends with a concert in Stockholm with invited agencies, conductors and opera directors.

Information and application

1 year
75 %
Fall semester 2024: 9 Sept–13 Dec
Spring semester 2025: 6 Jan–26 May
Course start: 9–11 sept i Härnösand

Common course days on one occasion each month in Härnösand or Stockholm Sun – Tues alternatively Mon – Wed. It is then concentrated work for a few days.


Make your application via the purple application block below.

Send a video recording with two arias to muk.ansokan@hfs.se. Also attach a presentation of yourself and your previous education and experience as an opera singer as well as suggestions for two or three roles to study and at least five suggestions for rehearsal singing repertoire. You can read more information about choosing a role during the course part ”Choosing a role and rehearsal singing repertoire”.

Click here for instructions in English on how to create an account to apply for Opera – Preparations to Become a Professional Singer – Audition Course.

A basic fee of SEK 500 is paid per term and is an advance on other costs during the course. Non-refundable.

There are additional course-specific costs for, for example, course material and study visits/travel. More information is provided in the welcome letter.

You can stay in the school’s dormitory at a special price during the meetings in Härnösand. We will then reserve a single room for you. You need to confirm that you will attend, no later than three weeks before, otherwise the reservation will be released. Do this by mailing info@hfs.se. If you want to change to a double room, also contact info@hfs.se. If the room is not unbooked it will be charged.

Single room: SEK 470/night
Double room: SEK 370/night per person in a shared room
Breakfast is included in the price. Sheets and towels add SEK 100 per person.

Accommodation is paid no later than two days before arrival (via Swedish mobile payment Swish or bank transfer).

Lunch and coffee can be bought in the restaurant.

You confirm your place by:

  • Paying the basic fee of SEK 500 through Swish to 123 264 3575 or via IBAN SE78 8000 0842 0297 4773 8814. NOTE Enter the name of your course!
  • Accepting the offered study place in SchoolSoft.

Helén Lundquist-Dahlén
+46 72 240 10 08

Application Fall 24
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