The application for 25/26 is now open! Contact Danielle Dietz ( for more information.

So don’t hesitate to apply! We are looking forward to seeing you.

1-4 year program of training before the next step in dance

Through intensive training and creation periods this dance program focuses on artistry, technique, creativity, sophistication and maturity. The program will have positive effects on a dancer’s confidence and abilities so each individual can successfully move forward with their career in the dance field.

Every student will get direct access to performance- and career coaching with Coco Regina, known from TAW (The Audition Workshop).

In depth focus on the course Dance and Film, taught by the established choreographer Helena Franzén and filmmaker, photographer and scenographer Håkan Jelk. Ongoing course with the camera and editing programs will be led by Mathieu Hebeisen.

Unmissable to the education is the strong connection with ilDance yearly workshops and choreographic projects with Israel Aloni and Lee Brummer as well as the possibility to audition for their young company ilYoung.

The coming study year will start with a circus course on the slack rope, to learn how to accept being off balance and negotiate ‘balancing’. This course will be taught by former student of NEfCD and currently last year student at Artesis, Antwerp, Ella-My Blomdahl.

NEW for the study year starting 2022

A three-year project with three house-practitioners who will be closely connected to the program. They will meet the students on a regular basis in the form of research, workshops and creations.

The three house-practitioners for the years 2022-2025 will be:

Israel Aloni

Liza Tegel

Valtteri Keinänen

An extremely high rate of previous students continue within dance; they will be found in P.A.R.T.S. (Bruxelles), Artesis (Antwerp), SEAD (Salzburg), Fontys (Tilburg, The Netherlands), Pera (Cyprus), Expanded Contemporary Dance (Amsterdam), London Contemporary Dance School, Artez (Arnhem,The Netherlands), DOCH (Stockholm), Ballet Academy (Stockholm) and Anton Bruckner Privat Universität (Linz).

The education is in English.

The program will give you the best possible conditions for continuing with your career in the dance field.

Today’s dancefield needs dancers that are independent artists (dancer/maker): 

  • Artists that are equipped with tools to support a creative process with a choreographer (both on a technical and on a creative level).
  • Artists that are equipped with tools to create their own works.
  • Artists that are equipped with tools to reflect and discuss around the field of contemporary dance in relation to the arts and to our surrounding world.

In the program the young dancer also gets help with contacts to higher education in and outside of Sweden.

  • Contemporary dance
  • Graham
  • Ballet
  • Improvisation
  • Contact improvisation
  • Improjam
  • Composition
  • African dance
  • Alexander technique
  • Producing with guest choreographers
  • Producing own works
  • Theme blocks: Dance and Film, Gaga, Partner work, Acrobatics,
  • Physical training: Injury prevention (Pain Free, Stretch), Strength Training (Horton technique, Cunningham technique), Cardio, Cardio boxing
  • Theoretical topics: Dance terminology, Dance history, Practical Anatomy, Goal book work, Contemporary Arts Analys

The Teachers Team consists of Danielle Dietz (Contemporary, Ballet, Improvisation, Composition, Choreographer, Theoretical topics), Ian Butler (Graham, Contemporary, Contact improvisation, Choreographer and Rehearsal director), Marja Bennet (Alexander technique and practical anatomy) and Anne-Sophie Chrobok (strength and cardio) , Mathieu Hebeisen (camera course).

The teachers Team form a support group around the students:

The team discusses as a group as well as together with the students on a weekly basis the extra needs for the students mental and physical wellbeing.

From there we can decide for the students to get support and guidance from a mentor (Marja Bennet, Mathieu Hebeisen, Danielle Dietz) or the school’s curator. Even extra Alexander Technique sessions or physiotherapy with Anne-Sophie is offered.

If the student needs further support we will help to find support outside of the school’s program.

Do visit the website for NEFCD!

Information and application

1-4 years
100 %
Student Support Level (CSN)
Higher Education Level/Gymnasienivå
Application deadline

After the closing date, we have continuous acceptance if there are places left and auditions can be arranged. Applications are then processed in the order they come in.

Auditions are available the whole year round, so you can perform an audition at any moment through the year.

Applicants must be over 18 years old by August 29, 2025. The course is suitable for school leavers, students and dancers aiming to continue their professional development. Applicants must have experience in every day training previously, to be able to fulfill the classes both physically and mentally.

Language requirements

  • IELTS Academic 5.5 (IELTS Online will not be accepted)
  • TOEFL iBT 70 (Home Edition will not be accepted)
  • TOEIC 620/260 (listening & reading / speaking & writing)
  • Cambridge B2 First – Grade C (scale 162-168)

The auditions this year will have the first 2 rounds online. Both rounds consist of an online task and interview.

We strongly encourage students to meet us before the school year in Härnösand, to physically find out who we are, how the program functions, to guide you in your choice whether this program is suitable for your aims and wishes.

A basic fee of SEK 500 is paid per term and is a partial payment on other costs during the course. Non-refundable.

There are additional course-specific costs for e.g books and study visits/travel. It won’t exceed SEK 1000 per year.

More information is provided in the welcome letter.

Both the education and the audition are free of cost. You have the option of renting a room in the school’s dormitory at a cost of SEK 4,600 per four weeks (lunch included on school days, Monday to Friday).

Subject to possible price adjustments.

Read more about the basic fee

Click here for instructions in English on how to create an account at SchoolSoft to apply for New Education for Contemporary Dance.

You confirm your study place by:

  • Paying the basic fee of SEK 500 via Swish to 123 264 3575 or via IBAN SE78 8000 0842 0297 4773 8814 (non-refundable). NOTE! Enter the name of your course!
  • Accepting the offered study place in SchoolSoft.

Danielle Dietz
+46 70-55040 94

Application school year 25/26 with start fall term 25
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