NEFCD – SPRING program

A half year long training program at New Education for Contemporary Dance. SPRING program is an opportunity for you who want to dance intensively for 6 months, to develop your dance, your artistry and your technique.

Information and application

1/2 year
100 %
Application deadline

After the closing date, we have continuous acceptance if there are places left and auditions can be arranged. Applications are then processed in the order they come in. Auditions are available the whole year round, so you can perform an audition at any moment through the year.

Applicants must be over 18 years old by August 29, 2024. The course is suitable for school leavers, students and dancers aiming to continue their professional development. Applicants must have experience in every day training previously, to be able to fulfill the classes both physically and mentally.

Language requirements:

  • You need a basic level of English

The auditions will consist of a first meeting online, a sharing of some work on video and one more meeting online.

A basic fee of SEK 500 is a partial payment on other costs during the course. Non-refundable. There are additional course-specific costs for study visits/travel costs and your membership at Danscentrum Norr. These costs won’t exceed 600sek.

More information is provided in the welcome letter.

Both the education and the audition are free of cost. You have the option of renting a room in the school’s dormitory at a cost of SEK 4,600 per four weeks (lunch included on school days, Monday to Friday).

Subject to possible price adjustments.

Read more about the basic fee

Danielle Dietz
+46 70-55040 94

Application with start spring term 25
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