LAB+ creates a space for young and emerging artists from different disciplines of the arts to create a project or fulfill an idea or practice. So, whether you work with painting, writing, film, architecture, music, mime, stage design, dance or other discipline, your project or idea can find a place with us.

LAB+ is a program during the course of 18 weeks full-time in which you work and research in a collective of 6 artists from different disciplines within the arts. This creates a platform for discussions and sharing around the themes of art, performance, community, activism and other research. As a participant you can research and/or create solo or in group.

Your work or research or practice will be performed or shared in Härnösand before the finish of the program at the space of your choice, whether it be in a theatre, art gallery, museum or outside. 

We provide training after your wishes, Alexander technique, a camera course, artistic mentorship and lectures during your time in Härnösand. We have studio space, space for handcraft, a music studio and film-editing equipment

We support in bringing your work to the audience. LAB is a project that will be formed individually for you in consultation with the educational team.

Information and application

18 weeks
Application deadline

In your application we would like you to inform us on your idea or plan, a personal letter and  your previous education and experience as an artist.

August 18 2025 – December 19 2025

A basic fee of SEK 500 is paid per term and is an advance on other costs during the course. Non-refundable. There are possible additional course-specific costs. It won’t exceed SEK 1000 per year.

More information is provided in the welcome letter.

Both the education and the application are free of cost. You have the option of renting a room in the school’s dormitory at a cost of SEK 4,600 per four weeks (lunch included on school days, Monday to Friday).

Subject to possible price adjustments.

Read more about the basic fee

Danielle Dietz
+46 70-55040 94

Application 2025
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